Microscope Imaging Station--显微镜影像工作站




  The Microscope Imaging Station at the Exploratorium provides a unique opportunity to explore the microscopic world.

  In Summer 2004, the Exploratorium launched the most ambitious microscope facility ever created for use by the general public, the Microscope Imaging Station. The initial phase of the project gives visitors the ability to image living specimens, as well as control the microscopes themselves.

  At the museum, you can select among various specimens, move over them, change the magnification and focus, and, where appropriate, change the lighting to illuminate the specimen or use reflected light and fluorescence to dramatically change how the specimens look.

  The images you see here have been created at the Microscope Imaging Station. They reflect the diversity of topics and specimens you might see on a typical visit.

  A primary goal of our facility is to open a door to the wonder of the microscopic world and allow you to explore it. By empowering you with the instruments to explore this unfamiliar universe, we seek to recreate some of the excitement and wonder that the earliest biological researchers found as they discovered another world all around them.